domingo, 31 de março de 2013

BrazukasMix 2013 v2.0 PES2013 DOWNLOAD

Obrigatório ter o Jogo PES2013 Instalado

Conteúdo do Patch;

Inglesa,Francesa,Italiana,Alemã,Brasileiro A e B, CL e Libertadores 2012
Novas Faces
Novas Bolas
Novas Chuteiras
Novas Telas e menus
Novo Placar
Novos Estádios
Elencos Atualizados 26/03/13 - Principais Times
Patch na versão 1,03 Pacote de Dados 4.0
Créditos das Edições acompanha no patch  

Patch dividido em 2 instaladores

Instalador 1 Base
Instalador 2 Chants

Links apartir de   01/04/13

Executar o instalador em Modo Administrador (Imagem Abaixo)

Ao final da instalação vai abrir  o Gameplaytool, aplique-o ( Imagem Abaixo), 
não precisa mais aplicar o Manager.

Instalador 1 Base
Instalador 2 Chants



1. Copie todos os arquivos da pasta "Instalação Manual"

2. Acesse a pasta onde você instalou o jogo e colar todos os arquivos - Lembre-se você deve
fazer isso dentro da pasta Raiz do BioShock Infinite

Pasta Padrão Windows x86: C:\Program Files\2K Games\BioShock Infinite
Pasta Padrão Windows x64: Program Files (x86)\2K Games\BioShock Infinite

3. Execute o Arquivo de Registro "Brazilian.reg" para alterar o Idioma do Jogo p/ Português
do Brasil

4. Está tudo pronto, você já pode jogar.

Guia de como Aplicar o Arquivo ( Instalação Automática )


1. Execute o Instalador e Clique Avançar

2. Selecione Eu Aceito os Termos de Uso

3. Caso tenha instalado o jogo em outra pasta, altere antes de prosseguir, depois de verificado, basta clicar Avançar e Instalar

4. Feche o Instalador e está tudo pronto.


Boleiros Sudamericano Ultimate 5.0 PES2013

Finalmente o patch Sulamericano Ultimate 5.0! Depois de 4 meses de trabalho, com uma remodelação extrema (invertendo as competições), uma gameplay melhorada, aproveitando o máximo que um patch pode tirar do PES, ele chega com status de "Melhor Patch Sulamericano
da História".
Avisando a todos que tudo que está contido no patch e não é de nossa autoria, tem a permissão
dos criadores do mesmo!

Agradecimentos Especiais ao Jenkey 1002 que criou a database e add as ligas extras do patch!

- Atualizado até a data 18/03/2013;
- Com 503 Clubes no total e 99% Testados (não deu tempo de testar tudo, qualquer erro será corrigido no update);
- 56 clubes brasileiros, sendo 40 deles disponíveis para jogar até na Master Liga;
- Jogabilidade acirrada (de acordo com o FM), nada de jogadores potentes ou tipo Messi ou
Cristiano Ronaldo;
- Escalações extremamente atualizados até a data do lançamento do mesmo.
- Kits altamente atualizados (existem alguma excessoões, essas já estão sendo preparadas e
lançadas no update);
- Narrações Exclusivas de Cleber Machado, Jorge Iggor e Luis Roberto;
- Novos Logos exclusivos atualizados, e o mais interessante em HD;
- 250 Novas Bolas adicionadas, incluindo lançamentos;
- 68 Novos Estádios, 20 deles criados dentro do próprio jogo
(o maior pack sulamericano da história) + detalhes abaixo;
-  Gritos de torcidas de + de 100 clubes;
- Nova Playlist, Vídeos e design no jogo;
- Textos em Ingles e Espanhol;
- Aproximadamente 2500 faces espalhadas mundo a fora (quase 1000 brasileiras);
- UEFA Champions League com todos os participantes da Fase de Grupos + 15 das fases Preliminares;
- Mantidas as faces de Treinadores já instaladas para facilitar na criação do seu técnico
(agora você poderá resmungar como Mourinho, criar um novo estilo de jogo como Pep
Guardiola ou "Falar Muito" como Tite).

- Brasileirão Petrobrás (BRA) - Completa;
- Primera Division (ARG) - Completa;
- Liga MX (MEX) - Completa;
- Liga Postobón (COL) - Completa;
- Campeonato Nacional Petrobrás (CHL) - Completa;
- Liga Carlos Maresca (URU) - Completa;
- Copa Movilnet (VEN) - Completa;
- Copa Pilsener (ECU) - Completa;
- La Liga Boliviana (BOL) - Completa;
- Torneo Tigo-Vision Banco (PAR) - Completa;
- Liga Carlos Maresca (URU) - Completa;
- Copa Movisar (PER) - Completa;
- Brasileirão Embratel (BRA - Série B) - Completa;
- Barclays Premier League (ENG) - Completa;
- Bundesliga (GER) - Completa;
- Liga BBVA (ESP) - Completa;
- Ligue 1 (FRA) - Completa;
- Série A Tim (ITA) - Completa;
- Major League Soccer (USA) - Completa;
- Brasileirão Série C e D - 16 Times;
- Uefa Champions League - Todos os clubes participantes;
- Mais 7 Times Extras: América de Cali (COL), Anzhi (RUS), CSKA (RUS), Necaxa (MEX),
Rubin Kazan (RUS) e Sporting (POR).

- Criados em Editor:
Arena Grêmio (BRA), Arena Pernambuco (BRA), Barradão (BRA), Bird Olympic Stadium (CHN), Casa Blanca (ECU), Centário Montevideo (URU), Cuidad La Plata (ARG), Couto Pereira (BRA),
El Campín (COL), El Monumental (ARG), Emirates Stadium (ENG), Engenhão (BRA),
Estádio dos Aflitos (BRA), Frasqueirão (BRA), George Capwell (ECU), Ilha do Retiro (BRA), Independencia (BRA), La Bombonera (ARG),  Mario Kempes (ARG), Metropolitano Barranquila (COL), Monumental de UNSA (PER), Nacional de Chile (CHL), Nemésio Diez (MEX), Novo Mineirão (BRA), Olimpico Universitário (MEX), Omnlife de Guadalajara (MEX), Orlando
Scarpelli (BRA), Pacaembu (BRA), Parc des Princes (FRA), Pituaçu (BRA),
Polidesportivo de Pueblo Nuevo (VEN), São Januário (BRA), Serra Dourada (BRA),
Signal Iduna Park (GER), St' James Park (ENG) e Stamford Bridge (ENG) + os licenciados
do Pes 'Limpo'.

 - Criados no Jogo:
Brinco de Ouro (BRA), Castelão (BRA), Defensores del Chaco (PAR), El Olímpico de Caracas (VEN), Hernando Siles (BOL), Home Depot Center (USA), José Amalfitani (ARG), La Olla (PAR), Libertadores da América (ARG), Mangueirão (BRA), Monumental David Arellano (CHL), Palogrande (COL), Red Bull Arena (USA), Rei Pelé (BRA), Ressacada (BRA), San Carlos de Apoquindo (CHL), Víctor Agustín Ugarte (BOL), Vila Capanema (BRA), Yokohama Stadium (JAP) e Boleiros Stadium (WOR).

PATCH PRINCIPAL - 3,8 GB (Descomp. 4,5 GB)*
PACK ESTÁDIOS -  1,7 GB (Descomp. 2,8 GB)

FIX 5.01 (Obrigatório): Correção do fechamento do jogo, maps, textos in game, bolas e gráficos UCL.

- Tenha o PES2013 Instalado (Não necessita-se da istalação, a DLC virá junto com o jogo);
- Extraia o arquivo rar. do patch e instale os arquivos;

- Baixar os Fixs é obrigatório [para evitar game crash];
- Para o patch ficar completo, sugerimos que instale o pack de estádios [o melhor já feito!]  (Preferencial);
- Se quando jogar der erro, verifique se você está executando via Admin;
- Caso o kitserver não ler, abra o arquivo manager.exe [C:/Arquivos de Programas\Konami\Pes Boleiros Loco Por Ti América\PESJP 2013*] e clique em Attach;
- Outro toque é o kitserver possui aprox. 18000 arquivos, é possível que o jogo demore um
pouco a entrar no ínicio mas com o passar o kitserver passa a ler mais rápido.

* A pasta tem o nome de 'PESJP 2013' devido a base usada no patch! Não copiamos ou
plagiamos nada do mesmo...








E ai galera, depois de um bom tempo, tenho a felicidade de postar mais uma narração, desta 
vez a narração do jornalista e narrador esportivo Luis Roberto para Pro Evolution Soccer 2013. 
Feita em cima da narração americana, para possibilitar a instalação de outras narrações em
 precisar substituir arquivos!

#Completamente adaptada para o PES 2013!
#Com total sincronia do audio em relação ao jogo!
#Narração Interativa com os acontecimentos da partida!

1. Baixe o arquivo 7z.
Descompacte com o programa 7zip e depois descompacte o arquivo rar;
3. Coloque o arquivo dt00_e.img na pasta img do PES 2013;
4. Com o jogo aberto para definir a narração do Luis Roberto, defina em:
a. Configurações de Sistema;
b. Definições de Idioma;
c. Idioma do Comentário: English.

Obs.: Abaixe o volume do som ambiente a 25% e o volume da narração a 100%


SENHA PARA DESCOMPACTAR: mathions 2013 pc patch 2.0

instalação (win vista/ win 7)
1 - execute (como adiministrador) os 3 instaladores na ordem numérica
2 - verifique sempre as pastas de instalação no início do instalador, para seu patch funcionar sem erros
3 - se voce tiver o monitor quadrado (4:3), instale o arquivo nº 4
4 - execute o jogo pelo arquivo c:\program files (x86)\konami\pro evolution soccer 2013\webrothers\webrothers.exe
instalação (win xp)
1 - vá em painel de controle/opções de pasta e deixe os arquivos e pastas ocultos visíveis!!!!!!!!
2 - execute o arquivo "1 - patch principal webrothers" (verifique sempre o caminho se é o do jogo original que você tem instalado)
3 - na instalação do "2 -option file webrothers", navegue até "meus documentos\konami"
4 - na instalação do "3 - dlc webrothers", navegue até:

c:\documents and settings\all users\dados de aplicativos\konami\pro evolution soccer 2013\ (winxp portugues)

c:\documents and settings\all users\application data\konami\pro evolution soccer 2013\ (winxp ingles)

(aparecerá essa pasta se vc deixou os arquivos ocultos visíveis)

5 - se voce tiver o monitor quadrado (4:3), instale o scoreboard contido em "4 - (opcional) scoreboard 43 monitor".

6 - 4 - execute o jogo pelo arquivo c:\program files\konami\pro evolution soccer 2013\webrothers\webrothers.exe



segunda-feira, 25 de março de 2013

BioShock Infinite-FLT


: Supplied by: FAIRLIGHT : : Release Date: 25-03-2013 :
Cracked by: FAIRLIGHT Game Type: Action
Packaged by: FAIRLIGHT Image Format: ISO
DISCS: 3 DVDs Protection: Steam

System Requirements : Little sisters

Game information:

Indebted to the wrong people, with his life on the line, veteran of the
U.S. Cavalry and now hired gun, Booker DeWitt has only one opportunity to
wipe his slate clean. He must rescue Elizabeth, a mysterious girl
imprisoned since childhood and locked up in the flying city of Columbia.
Forced to trust one another, Booker and Elizabeth form a powerful bond
during their daring escape. Together, they learn to harness an expanding
arsenal of weapons and abilities, as they fight on zeppelins in the
clouds, along high-speed Sky-Lines, and down in the streets of Columbia,
all while surviving the threats of the air-city and uncovering its dark

Installation Information:

* Burn or mount
* Install
* Play the game

NOTE: As usual, block the game exe in your firewall.






domingo, 24 de março de 2013

StarCraft II Heart of the Swarm-FLT

 Game information:

You are Sarah Kerrigan, former Queen of Blades. Once the most feared
entity in the galaxy, you now wait in a cell in the depths of a
high-security research laboratory. Before the murderous forces of the
Terran Dominion close in, you must plot your escape to the dark reaches of
space... and reclaim your living empire at the Heart of the Swarm.

* Command New Weapons of War
Deploy devastating new units across an ever-shifting battlefield.
Incinerate advancing foes with the Hellbat, seize air superiority with
the Tempest, engulf entrenched enemies with the Swarm Host, and much
* Unleash Hell
Lead Sarah Kerrigan as she embarks on a path of furious vengeance.
Evolve your brood for maximum devastation, unlock latent psionic powers,
and swarm from planet to planet aboard your moon-sized zerg Leviathan.

Installation Information:

INFO: This is a standalone release giving access to both Wings of Liberty
as well as Heart of the Swarm

DISCLAIMER: Since parts of this solution requires online activity and
updating the game we can't promise that this solution will work with
future updates.


1) Unrar, burn or mount ISO
2) Install the game while online, when asked to Activate select "I've
Already Activated"


Run Fairlightflt-sc2hots.exe on the DVD, it must run with administrator
priviledges. (you may need to temporarily disable any anti-virus software
or similar you have)


This step you must execute manually.

Let the game update to latest version ( at the time of writing

Once game is fully updated (you will see the message 'Game is up to date')
you must press 'Play' and enter the game once to complete the
installation, if you forget to do this you WONT be able to play offline
afterwards. You dont need to do anything once inside, just look at the
impressive login prompt and then exit by pressing Escape.


We assume you are using Windows Firewall as your firewall and of course
also that it is Enabled.

Hit the Step2-button and the tool will block 'SC2.exe' in your Windows


Hit the Step3-button and wait for a little while, this will deploy the cache files.


Hit the Step4-button and your license is generated and deployed to the
windows registry.


Hit the Step5-button and the tool will launch StarCraft 2 and then shut
itself down.

When you see the 'Connecting to streaming server...' dialog just hit
'Cancel', this happens because of the firewall block.

Once inside enter '' as your BATTLE.NET ACCOUNT NAME and
hit 'CONNECT'.

The connection will fail but you will be offered to 'PLAY OFFLINE'.

Once you have everything running you should consider making a desktop
shortcut directtly to SupportSC2Switcher.exe, this seems to bypass the
Blizzard Launcher and should keep you safe from potential fun-ruining
future updates. 




a) Descompacte o arquivo na pasta principal do seu FIFA 13. Substituir os arquivos que ele pede para subistituir.
b) Execute o arquivo ModdingWayInstaller.exe que esta na pasta do seu FIFA 13 (Executar como administrador)
c) Pronto

precisa das versoes anteriores.

Version 1.8.0 changelog

*Database 4.0 :
- Added new teams to Rest of the World : San Lorenzo, Vélez, Independiente, Peñarol, Nacional, Olimpia, Cerro Porteño, Colo Colo, U de Chile.
- Added new national teams : Togo, Angola and Tunisia.
- Major updates to all new teams added.
* ModdingWay Selector
- Added turfs selection
* Added UEFA CL Manchester City Fonts and Numbers
* New Boots
- Nike Tiempo Legend IV - White/Crimson/Black
- Nike Tiempo Legend IV - Sunburst/White/Mango
- Nike CTR360 Maestri III - Mint/Black/Lime
- Nike T90 Laser IV - Mango/Black/Crimson
- Nike Mercurial Vapor IX - Purple/LimeGreen/Black
- Nike Mercurial Vapor IX model, bump and reflex updated
* Flags for all new teams and banners for many of them
* New Turfs
* New Faces
* Kits for all new teams added
* Updated Kits for River, Boca, Racing including GK and Third Kits
* Minifaces for most players of new club teams added
* Other minor fixes and updates


Roberto ( Zaragoza )
Nelson ( Palermo )
Nelson Oliveira
Alain Traoré
van Aanholt
Ciro Immobile ( Update )
Danko Lazovic
Iago Aspas
Krohn-Dehli ( Update )
M.Dembelé ( Update )
Luis Neto
Umut Bulut
Cavani ( Update )
Adebayor ( Update )
Rafael ( Update )
Llorente ( Update )
Lamela ( Update )
Samba Diakité
Park Ji Sung ( Update )
Mehdi Carcela-Gonzalez
Gaël Bigirimana
Adrian Mutu
Volkan Demirel
Rafal Wolski

PS: pra quem tem problemas com o jogo depois de instalar o patch, atualize seu fifa para versao 1.7, aki dava bugs e atualizei da 1.6 para 1.7 e depois reinstalei os mods e paro com os bugs !!!!


sábado, 23 de março de 2013


Beleza pessoal trouxe aí a quarta versão tão aguardada do patch.

*Elencos e uniformes dos clubes da Serie A e B do Brasileirão atualizados do momento. (11/03/2013)

*Novo Bootpack 3.0 by DKHernandez

*Nova Narração Nivaldo Prieto by campagnarot. (versão beta)

*Novas adboards e bolas do Brasileirão e Copa Bridgestone Libertadores

*Novos estádios: Mineirão 2014, Maracanã (remodelado), Arena da ressacada, Arena Fonte Nova, Estadio Pedro Bidegain, Arena Pernambuco (Royal London), Mangueirão (Anoeta), Couto Pereira, Arena Condá, Estádio Centenário (Caxias do sul), Arena Condá, etc..

*Novo soundpack e novos uniformes dos arbitros.

---> Os recursos anteriores (gritos de torcida, Patrocinadores reais e Comissão tecnica da ML, Taça da Copa do Mundo, adboards, novas bolas, etc...) todos foram mantidos.



sexta-feira, 22 de março de 2013

Counter Strike 1.6 LH 2013 PT-BR

LongHorn Edition 2013

* Engine build 4554
* Multilanguage (21 Language Support) By: LongHorn
* Non-Steam Patch Version 44
* Protocol 48 - SteamID Numeric not required CDKey
* Clean Rip From Steam GCFs Models and Weapons.
* Compatibility with Windows XP, VISTA, Win7
* Compatibility with Anticheats UCP / sXe Injected / zBot's (UCP not working only in Window 8)
* Playable on Internet and LAN
* Working server browser with Internet, favorite and LAN tabs
* New - 21 Language Support (CS 1.6 Multilanguage) - Look in folder "Counter-Strike Tools\CS Multilanguage" if you have problem to open run in administrator
* New - 40 CS Background ( Change Background with One click) - Look in folder "Counter-Strike Tools\40 CS Background"
* New - CSS Weapons Models for CS 1.6 & Default Weapons Models - Look in folder "Counter-Strike Tools\LH - Weapons Installer"
* New - REVOLUTION Emulator 9.85 (Fixed 28.05.2012)
* New - IP Setti MasterServer ( Play Online in 13.000 NonSteamin Servers)
* New - Dproto 0.9.179 (Client can join P47 as well as P48)
* New - Anticheats UCP Version 7.9 (No More Cheaters)
* New - zBots included Play In DeathMatch Mod , AWP Mod & Public Mod with zBots (LAN) - Look in Folder "Counter-Strike Tool's\LH Addons
* New - LongHorn GUI v4 (Graphical User Interface) Professional & Pefect Design + Advanced Commander & Icons
* New - Default LH Background - 640x480 /800x600 /1024x768 (Look in Counter-Strike Tools / Change Video Resolution)
* New - Some HUD ReDesign with default radar
* New - GameMenu Fonts & Colors (High Quality) - ( Add Script, Play Demos, Show SteamID, Record Demo)
* New - Spectator Banner Professional Look - Much Beauty Version 2
* New - Professional "H" Commander Menu (zBot's Commands, Admin, Media, Misc, Server, Live Script, Game Settings, Player Settings, FPS & Ping Boost)
* New - Keyboard Commands ( Professional Commands Key - Radio, Auto-Purchase, Quick Switch Key, Buy, Chroshair Colors, Chat Font Colors)
* New - Multiplayer Advanced ( Added Professional Commands Key For Easy to Use Some Commands)
* New - FPS & Ping Booster Tutorial ( Boost your game with 3 steps) + Tutorial
* New - Icon Counter-Strike 1.6 LH 2013 (No UCP) & UCP Counter-Strike 1.6 LH 2013 (with UCP)
* New - Folder Counter-Strike Tool's (The Best Tools for Professional Gamers)
* New - The Best Professional Configuration Commands (For Gamers. By Gamers.)
* New - Loading Banner (Simple & Fast Connect)
* New - GameStartup Song
* New - Motd Logo Full Dimension
* New - Autoexec FPS & Ping Booster Configuration (TuneUp) 100 FPS & Low Ping
* Added - 190 Spray Logo +ESK & LH - Spray Logo
* Added - Client can join P47 as well as P48 servers (LAN)
* Added - NonForce Commander (Shortcut)
* Added - Icons in all folder of Tools
* Added - de_tuscan, awp_india, de_dust2002
* Added - AMX Mod X 1.8.2
* Update - Masterserver IP
* Update - Some CS Tool's
* Improved - Fast Installer & Simple - 25 Language (Setup Support)
* Fixed - Problem listen server is not visible under LAN tab
* Fixed - Favorites not responding issue
* Fixed - Game hang problem when click on Options in game menu
* Fixed - BackUp Some ddl File & HLDS, HLTV (Check Folder Counter-Strike Tools\HLDS & HLTV)
* Fixed - Automatic Install Fonts - Request GUI (Gamemenu)
* Removed - Tempdecal.wad to change spray logo
* Removed - Half-Life Single, Multiplayer, Some Sounds, Sprite, Models
* Removed - OrangBox Mod (More Fast CS Startup & Close)



Resident Evil 6-RELOADED

03/2013 :..... RELEASE.DATE .. PROTECTION .......: Steam
1 :.......... DISC(S) .. GAME.TYPE ........: Action, Adventure

Blending action and survival horror, Resident Evil 6 promises to be the
dramatic horror experience of 2013. Resident Evil favorites Leon S. Kennedy,
Chris Redfield and Ada Wong are joined by new characters, including Jake
Muller, to face a new horror, the highly virulent C-virus, as the narrative
moves between North America, the war-torn Eastern European state of Edonia
and the Chinese city of Lanshiang.

With four distinct, yet interwoven story threads, each with their own pair of
protagonists for either solo or co-op play, both offline and online, not only
will Resident Evil 6 deliver both different perspectives and gameplay styles
but, with the introduction of the innovative Crossover mechanic players will
be able to team up and share the horror. At key moments during the game, up
to four players can join together online to tackle a specific situation, with
some stages seeing the usual partnerships swapped to further increase the
depth of gameplay.


Horror on a global scale No longer confined to a specific location, the
outbreak of the C-virus is worldwide with the action taking place in
North America, Eastern Europe and China The most expansive Resident Evil
game to date- Experience the horror through four distinct yet intertwined
Solo or co-op play Resident Evil 6 delivers both single and two player
co-op gameplay either offline or online (however Ada Wong's campaign is
one player only)
Play your way Use skill points to upgrade your character to provide
faster reload speed, improved firepower or increase your health bar with
the Character Skill system
Mercenaries returns Players will once more be able to enjoy the highly
popular Mercenaries Mode
7 Additional Stages for the Extra Content Modes - Previously available
for purchase as DLC for the console versions, these 7 additional stages
come as standard on the PC version. These stages are unlocked via

1. Unrar
2. Burn or mount the image
3. Install the game.
4. Copy over the cracked content from the /
Crack directory on the image to your game install directory
5. Play the game
6. Support the software developers. If you like this game, BUY IT


quarta-feira, 20 de março de 2013

PESJP Patch 2013 update 3.06 (03-21)

 Changelog :
  • Fixed issue PESJP Launcher doesn't keep your configuration 
  • Fixed Referee uniform switcher doesn't work correctly 
  • Fixed kits for Yokohama Marinos, Ireland 
  • Update formation for all Bundesliga team
  • Update kit switcher : improve processing speed & fixed minor bug 
  • Update stadiumserver : allow to use custom net pattern
  • Correct ball for 2nd division & MLO
  • Added new option for Matrix stats system
  • Added some adboards for Bundesliga team

Requirement : 
Download :
Mirror 1 :

terça-feira, 19 de março de 2013

The Walking Dead: Survival Instinct-RELOADED

03/2013 :..... RELEASE.DATE .. PROTECTION .......: Steam
1 :.......... DISC(S) .. GAME.TYPE ........: Action

The Walking Dead: Survival Instinct is a first-person action survival game
that brings to life the authentic, heart-stopping horrors of the AMC hit TV
series The Walking Dead. In the game, players assume the role of the
mysterious, crossbow-wielding survivor Daryl Dixon, brought to life by TV
series star Norman Reedus, alongside his overbearing brother Merle, voiced by
Michael Rooker.

1. Unrar.
2. Burn or mount the image.
3. Install the game.
4. Copy over the cracked content from the /Crack directory on the image to
your game install directory.
5. Play the game.
6. Support the software developers. If you like this game, BUY IT!

PESJP Patch 2013 Version 3.05 Ultimate (19/03/2013)

Update features
  • Fit DLC 4.00 (included)
    • Update lastest player's stats & team formations
    • Update J.League 1 follow Winning Eleven 2013 Jleague DLC 
  • Fixed 0 point bug, random crashes in FL mode
  • Fixed European teams appear in Copa Libertadores
  • Update some missing tranfers 
  • Update PSD option file : correct boot for 2000 players 
  • Update new kits for  Copa Libertadores teams
  • New HD bootpack 81 boots
  • Added more 700 new faces (Total : 3900 faces & 3800 hairs in GDB)
  • Added 57 GK gloves
  • Update face, hair, tattoo for some players    
  • Gameplay tool 3.30 PESJP limited edition
    • New feature kit switcher - allow to use extra kits 
    • New option HD supporter : improve quality of supporter texture (from 64x128 to 512x1024 or bigger)
    • Update referee uni switcher to unlimited slot 
    • New chantserver : remake version
  • Kitserver 13 final

 Note : You can update from 3.00 or newer version to 3.05 but also can use only version 3.05 without version 3.00 requirement (addon for turf pack & graphic patch for version 3.05 standalone can be found bellow of patch's download link)

Update : Fixed issue PESJP Launcher doesn't keep your configuration ( extract & replace older one in game folder.) 

segunda-feira, 18 de março de 2013

PTE Update 1.4.1

- New gameplay tool 2013 version 3.24
- Update Eredivisie and Ligue 1
- Upadted created players with KONAMI stats
- More transfers (Premier League, Serie A, Liga BBVA, Liga ZON Sagres)
- Update squads
- Update Liga ZON Sagres adboards
- Correct bugs (kits, faces)



Trails Evolution Gold Edition-SKIDROW PC

S  K  I  D  R  O  W
.the leading force.

proudly presents
Trails Evolution Gold Edition (c) Ubisoft

18-03-2013......Release Date Protection...........Ubisoft DRM
Action.............Game Type Disk(s)....................1 DVD


Trials is coming home.

Trials Evolution: Gold Edition marks the triumphant return of Trials to
the PC gaming platform.

As RedLynx's signature franchise, Trials made its mark in gaming with
the 2008 release of Trials 2 Second Edition on PC. Its breakout indie
success led to further success on the console and ever since then, PC
gamers have been clamoring for more Trials.

Trials Evolution: Gold Edition is what they've been waiting for

The Gold Edition is two Trials in one.

Trials Evolution: Gold Edition contains all of the content from the
original, best-selling Trials Evolution.

In addition, all single-player tracks and skill games from Trials HD
are found in Trials Evolution: Gold Edition - effectively doubling the
content offered with two complete games, neither of which has ever been
available on PC.

Optimized and enhanced for PC.

Trials Evolution: Gold Edition is enhanced for the PC gaming platform.
All of the features of its forerunner from in-game editor, sharing of
tracks, and global leaderboard are integrated in a way that fits the
new platform.



Track editor

Indoor and outdoor environments

Bike and rider customization

Global competition


1. Unpack the release
2. Mount or burn image
3. Install
4. Run exe from UPDATE folder on the DVD
5. Copy the cracked content from the SKIDROW folder and into the main
install folder and overwrite
6. Block the game in your firewall and mark our cracked content as
secure/trusted in your antivirus program
7. Let our Uplay emulator start - when it launches, press play!
7. Play the game
8. Support the companies, which software you actually enjoy!

SimCity 5 Digital Deluxe DOWNLOAD [Origin-rip]

SimCity is developed by Maxis, and will be the latest version of the popular 
Sim City series.

It will also feel familiar to the other popular Sims games. However SimCity, 
as the name already suggests, focuses on the bigger picture. You build a city. 
It's not about building only, you also have to maintain the city and keep it 

The first SimCity was published in 1989 and was considered a major success. 
Obviously the series has changed and developed a lot since then, however it's 
roots remain the same. Maxis also developed it's famous brother "The Sims", 
and since then have dominated the strategy simulation genre. After many 
expansion packs of the previous SimCity, Maxis is close to bringing out 
their newest SimCity game in 2013.

This new SimCity will go in to great depth with regards to maintaining your city. 
To start off you have to keep in mind what kind of city you want 
(for example: Industrial, commercial, Sports, etc), in order to choose a 
good strategical location. After that, you have to bring the infrastructure 
up to par, attract civilians, find them work, create stores, build pipelines, 
make sure they got electricity, etc. There is plenty to do and plenty to keep 
you busy, if you want your city to grow and succeed .
SimCity is a loved franchise but it has been a long time since we saw anything 
like this. Similar versions of the genre carving Simcity have turned up over the 
past few years to fill the void but they have not often left a good taste in the 
gaming connoisseurs mouth. How do you feel about the rekindling of this mighty 
series and are you likely to pick this title up when it releases in March 2013



domingo, 17 de março de 2013










a) Descompacte o arquivo na pasta principal do seu FIFA 13. Substituir os arquivos que ele pede para subistituir.
b) Execute o arquivo ModdingWayInstaller.exe que esta na pasta do seu FIFA 13 (Executar como administrador)
c) Pronto

precisa das versoes anteriores.

Version 1.7.9 changelog

* Updated DB 2.0 according to FIFA Official Update 16/03
* Updated DB 4.0 according to FIFA Official Update 8/03
* Database 4.0 : 7 New Teams : Mali, Senegal, Burkina Faso, Morocco, Sparta Praha, Dnipro and Metalist
* New Version of MW Selector to assign boots without lua plus fix when assigning gloves that could end on missing gloves problem
* All New Players included in MW Selector
* New Boots
- Under Armor Blur Carbon III - White/Silver/Black
- Under Armor Blur Carbon III - Orange/Silver/Black
- Under Armor Blur Carbon III - Gold/Black
- Under Armor Blur Carbon III -Blue/Silver/Black
- Puma evoSPEED SL - Green/White/Navy
- adidas F50 adizero III - Electricity/HeroInk/Silver
* New Kits
- Arsenal Home with Red Socks
- Roma Home Red Shorts
- Celtic Third Kit ( UEFA CL )
- WBA All Red
- Wolfsburg Home GOLF Sponsor
- PSV Centenary Kit
- Galatasaray Home Red Shorts and Full UEFA CL Set
- Celta Vigo Adidas Red Kit ( used agains Real Madrid )
- Fluminense 13/14 Home Kit
- Sao Paulo 13/14 Full Set
- Gremio 13/14 Full Set
- At. Mineiro 13/14 Full Set
- Sweden 13/14 Full Set
- France 13/14 Away Kit
- Uruguay Home Confederations Kit
- Mexico 3rd Kit
- USA Centenary Home Kit
- Sampdoria Home All Blue
- Swansea Home Black Shorts
- Steaua Europa League Full Set with Sponsor
- World XI and Classic XI FUll Sets


sábado, 16 de março de 2013

Pesgalaxy Patch 2013 1.90

Features :
- Includes new DLC 4.00
- Transfers updated until 13 March
- Includes new Gameplaytool 3.24 and new Kitserver
- Online compatible
- Some new faces
- New Boots
- New Scoreboards
- Many small bugs and wrong faces corrected
General Features :
- Complete Bundesliga added with correct kits, logos, squads
- Complete 2. Bundesliga added with correct kits, logos, squads
- Complete MLS added with correct Kits, logos, squads (selectable via switch)
- Mini 2. division for all leagues (3 Teams in every division = 24 new teams, Teamlist above)
- Premier League team names corrected and logos and kits added
- Liga ZON Sagres team names corrected and logos added
- All fake national teams corrected
- Uni GDB folder with kits for all unlicensed and new teams included
- Transfers updated
- BATE Borisov added
- League and Cup logos corrected
- Faceserver with more than 3000 faces added
- New Ballpack
- New Bootpack
- New Refereekits
- Correct Goalnets for many teams relinked
- ML Ranking corrected
- International starter in ML fixed
- Gameplaytool included
- Big bannerpack included
- Optional Chantpack for almost all teams as Addon
- Kitserver included
- Support for DLC 4.00
- 1.03 exe supported
- Own exe
- New Switch (Limit 2nd league to 3 teams, deactivate bootstats in ML, Adboardswitch, Scoreboardswitch)
- Logoswitch (Default and Wave Glossy)
- Menumusic Switch (import your own mp3′s etc. easily into the game)
- Easily add new Scoreboard or Adboard files to the switch with the Switch Manager
- No Blur


quinta-feira, 14 de março de 2013

PTE PATCH Liga ZON Sagres 1.4

- Liga Argentina (9 teams): Boca Juniores, River Plate, Velez, Independiente, Racing, San Lorenzo, Lanus, Estudiantes and Godoy Cruz
- New NT: Burkina Faso, Cape Verde, Ethiopia, Togo, Congo DR and Niger
- New extra teams: Libolo, Al Alhy, LA Galaxy, NY Red Bulls,
- Classic teams: Chelsea, Man.Utd., Liverpool, Arsenal, Real Madrid, Barcelona, Bayern, Dortmund, Benfica, Porto, Sporting ,Milan, Inter and Juventos
- New classic NT: Classic Portugal
- New ball: Finale Wembley 2013
- New kits: Atl.Mineiro, Goias, Atl.Parnaense, Cruzeiro, Nordsjaelland, Levante, Celta, Getafe, Atl.Madrid and Lyon
- More tranfers – Updated Brasileirão Serie A and european teams
- Created new players
- New electronic adboards
- Relinked boots and movementes
- New faces – TOTAL: 1930
- Updated Gameplay Tool and Kitsserver


terça-feira, 12 de março de 2013

Sniper Ghost Warrior 2-FLT


Release date : March 15, 2013
Genre: Action / 3D / 1st Person
Developer: City Interactive
Publisher: City Interactive
Platform: PC
Publication Type: License [Steam-Rip]
Language: English
Voice set Language: English
Tablet: Present [deadmau5 / SKiDROW ]


Action of the second part of the popular action, to gain recognition
for players around the world will unfold among the impenetrable jungle,
mountain ranges and city ruins.

System Requirements:

OS: Windows XP, Vista or Windows 7, with the latest Service Pack
Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo at 2Ghz, or AMD Athlon 64 x2 2Ghz, or better
Memory: 2GB
Hard Disk Space: 9Gb
Video Card:NVidia 8800GT with 512Mb RAM or better
DirectX: 9.0c
Sound: DirectX Compatible Sound Card

Installation Information

* Burn or mount
* Install
* Play the game

NOTE As usual, block the game exe in your firewall.