terça-feira, 26 de fevereiro de 2013

Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL Power of Chaos MOD

Yuma the Challenge. This game has 1109 cards in total including some anime only and fan-made cards. To unlock all cards open 'All Cards - UNLOCKER' folder and fallow the instructions in 'All Cards INFO!!!!!!!.txt' file. You can also use some of my Decks if you want. You can find them in 'Here are some Decks' folder.

In this game your opponent is Yuma Tsukumo. There is many XYZ monsters in this game. They don't have ranks so all of them are Level 1 in this game. Unfortunately they don't have their effects and you must summon them the same way as fusion monsters... by fusing material monsters with quick-play spell card XYZ Fusion or continuous spell card Galaxy Wave. Anyway, I'm sure you will love it.




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